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Tips for Sugaring Prep and Maintenance

Proper home care is as important to your results as the service itself, especially with bikini sugaring. There are some tips to help you stay hair free, soft, smooth skin inbetween treatments. These are my recommendations!

Exfoliation and hydration are KEY to sugaring success. These are my favorite products for face and body. As for moisturizing, ask me what I recommend for your specific skin type.

Home care products for body:

Exfoliating gloves, Tamara’s Professional Sweet Exfoliator Toner Pads and AND's Koly Glyco Lotion are excellent products for exfoliation.

Home care products for face:

AND's 5% Glycolic Solution or 5% Glycolic Creme, Cranberry Scrub.

Rules to follow

Before your appointment:

Allow the hair to grow to 1/4 inch long. For most people, this means hiding the razor for about a week and a half .

Don't exfoliate the day of, or day after your appointment.

DO NOT USE NUMBING CREAM. Most of the products aren’t very effective, and the cream or lotion is removed before the service in the cleansing process anyway.

Plan to bring a clean set of underwear with you for after your bikini service.

24 hours after treatment:

No sex, tanning, exercising, or tight clothing.

After 48 hours:

Exfoliate and moisturize the sugared area. Plan to exfoliate and moisturize the area at least 3 times per week. This helps to prevent ingrown hairs, and I can ALWAYS tell who does or doesn't exfoliate. Not exfoliating leaves a layer of dead skin that the hair cannot penetrate when it begins to grow back, and then causes the hair to grow under the skin, or curl up and potentially become infected.

Plan to return for your follow-up appointment as soon as the hair is 1/4 inch long. For most people, this is between 3-5 6 weeks after the initial appointment. This will allow me to remove the hair during its growing stage, ensuring you get the smoothest skin for the longest time possible.

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